Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In law school, the laptop is as essential as the overwhelming sense of superiority everyone feels. While it is a necessity for note-taking (and by note taking, I mean surfing until you find the end of the internet), certain websites have a tendency to "blow your cover" in class., while amazing in its ability to fight off impending narcolepsy, possesses a few games that are, should we say, CPU greedy. This site, among others, are infamous for causing computer fan speeds to increase faster than your blood pressure at finals time.

Everyone knows "that guy." The guy that hasn't opened Word all semester. The guy that shows up only to sign the roll so that the ABA doesn't call him into C&F, or any other alphabet-soup oversight body. About half-way through class, you hear the fan. It picks up, and despite any sense of shame "that guy" should feel, he continues playing his rocking-truck game online.

But remember this: There is no need to give "that guy" any evil looks or gdeath-threats (i.e. textual assault transmitted through gchat). There is no need for "that guy" to be harassed or shamed in the public forum. Why? Because "that guy" is a hero. So today, we solute you, astronaut-of-the-torts-class. Without the loud indication of your computer running through it's launch procedures, we might actually feel bad about surfing through The Onion archives while we spend hundreds of dollars an hour for our legal "education."

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